A Snapshot Gallery

A few command strips, an extra handful of wedding favor placeholder picture frames, a whole slew of snapshots not being utilized, and an idea…


This post was a long time in coming. Firstly, what I thought would take me two hours, took nearly three days to complete (give or take a day); secondly, there was the great computer disaster of 2012 which led to; thirdly, the great hardware/software update of 2012 and all the fallout thereof. I won’t mention the gastrointestinal virus that gripped our house for a week…


Between a few cups of coffee (and a few old hard drives), and the daily wrangling of children,  I sat down at my desk to get this project of mine off the back burner and on the completed pile. I needed something scratched off that ever-growing to do list.


This project was a continuation and expansion of the original project back at the rental home. I spray painted a few frames that I picked up at Michael’s and ordered online from a wedding favor shop. The photos, which are some of my favorite snapshots “earmarked” on my computer but otherwise unused, were printed in black and white this time and trimmed with my trusty old rotary cutter. Although I have to admit that the trusty old rotary cutter is showing its age, so the better description might be “mostly reliable, sees things a bit more blurry now, old rotary cutter.” I do believe it’s time for a new blade.


Back in the day, I spent time as a tour guide for my university as I worked my way through my undergrad career. On the days where we weren’t giving tours, you could find us in the back offices filing paperwork, running errands, preparing mailings, and if you were lucky—though I was in the minority in this thought—stuffing envelopes. It was one of my favorite tasks. It required very little thought or effort beyond the initial set-up, but the beauty was in the rhythm once you began. There was little need for creativity, merely an adjustment here or there to the procedure. It was soothing.


Preparing those frames, well, I enjoyed that repetition, the flow from one procedure to the next, for the short time it lasted. It’s not something I’d like to do for hours on end, day after day, but every now and then there is something to be said for taking a moment to appreciate how laying out tape in a certain manner can economize movement…


…or how you’ve managed to line up the old photos without much notice…


…or how the colors you’ve chosen have arranged themselves quite nicely into a surprising little spectrum.

Chalk Lines

Setting up the grid took a few different attempts. The cardboard template didn’t work as well this time as it had for the original wall. The string was a disaster. But the sidewalk chalk worked pretty much perfectly.


Once I drew those lines with my trusty old level (the level is also showing its age, but has remained beyond reproach in its primary duties!), placing the frames was a cinch.

Step By Step

The trick is to sandwich the command strips (the strips that look like velcro work best here) together first, then apply to the backside of the frame before pushing it up against the wall. Repositioning is as easy as “releasing” the frame from the velcro, switching out pictures or frame, then sandwiching a new strip to the older one still attached to the wall, before pushing the frame back against the sticky side of the new strip.

All Hung Up

It took three days (or so)…


but it turned out pretty well I think…

Angle Deet

…and it’s a nice way of using up those shots you’re collecting and love but are unsure of using.

More Needed

Of course, I’m pretty positive I’ll be expanding it again soon as there is a whole lot of open wall left.

So much for scratching something off my list.



:: Linking to these awesomely creative DIY sites ::

Classy Clutter, tater tots and jello, Funky Junk Interiors, House on the Way, Miss Information, Too Much Time On My Hands, Or So She Says, Twigg Studios, Under The Table And Dreaming, DIY Showoff, Today’s Creative Blog,
Home Stories A 2 Z, Mighty Crafty


108 thoughts on “A Snapshot Gallery

  1. Love it, love it, love it!

    We have so many pictures that I would love to get up on display, and I LOVE how colorful it is.

    • And didn’t we discuss this for Miranda’s room after you showed me pictures of the wall in the rental house? For the ABC theme which has never materialized. *sigh* I -KNEW- that I needed to get the nursery done before she was born or it would never happen.

      • I was wondering if you had forgotten or just gotten busy! No time like the present, dear! The offer still stands!

    • It’s really fun… and it’s surprisingly easy to come up with all the photos. As a matter of fact, I have more photos selected and trimmed than I do frames. Guess I better place another frame order!

  2. Awesome job!! Really does look great in person. I want to do this with grandkids and maybe different type of frames, on my lower stair case wall.

    • Thanks Mom!! Go for it! Those strips didn’t damage the wall at all when I had to remove them from the other house, so you won’t even need any help getting it up!

      • Oh Geez! Do you have a link… I’d love to see it! I just took a look at your blog and promptly added it to my feed reader. I have a feeling we have a very similar sense of humor and style (hello galvanized!) and I’m really looking forward to reading your posts! Yay for new blog friends!

      • I haven’t yet! I’ve been in rainbow party hell. It’s been on my “to blog about” list since about Jan. It’s coming this Fall I swear. Yay for new blog friends too! 🙂

      • HA! You’re not kidding! I haven’t stopped laughing for the past fifteen minutes reading your posts and my kids keep asking why. I’m not showing them though, ‘cuz I don’t want them getting any ideas 😉

        GREAT stuff!

    • Thanks so much Leslie! It’s always so nice to hear from new viewers and find yourself with a new follower as well!! I’d be happy to add my project to your party! I’ll head over and do that now!

    • Margo! Thank you so very much for stopping by! I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond to your lovely comment… WP had you marked as

    • Thank you so much Kelley! That’s a great idea, to list the colors…. I’ll add that as soon as I get back home. I’d be glad to head over to your party and link; thank you so much for asking!

  3. This is adorable! I’m in love with the colors you picked and I found myself even lingering over the pics of the frames just stacked up. So pretty! What a great way to showcase the “not so portrait worthy” pics of life 🙂

    • Yay Megan!! Thanks so much for the pin AND the comment love! It’s just so awesome to hear from everyone. I’m so sorry it took me so long to see your comment… WP had you (and a few other folk) marked as “spam.” But it’s all fixed now (fingers crossed!)

    • Thank you so much, and jump on in… the water’s fine!! I think I’ll hop on over and upload it now, if your party is still open!

    • Wow! Wow wow wow wow wow wow!! Such an awesome comment and thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such the fantastically enthusiastic kudos!

    • Thank you so much! I have a thing for bright colors I think… didn’t really notice until we stated pulling the new house together!

  4. Hello,

    I just wanted to let you know that I love your snapshot gallery and think it’s such a clever idea. What type of paint did you use? Also, what size did you print the pictures out? Is wallet size good? I just got a house as well and would love to display some of our pictures this way. Thank you!

    • Heya Ms. Adry! I used four colors of Rustoleum and one can of Valspar spray paint. Nothing special, just the normal cans. And I printed out the pictures wallet sized, but I printed them on 4×6 sheets, two per sheet. I hope you try it out! It was a fun project that you can do a little at a time and expand as your picture collection grows!

    • Hee hee!! Thanks so much Christy!! I did the first wall when we only had three kids, and we did it in the breakfast area so all the pictures were “food related” like the first bits of yogurt, or big spaghetti messes, or huge ice cream smiles. It was really fun!

    • Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving such a lovely comment! I’m so glad to hear someone enjoys the writing as well! It’s certainly a big part of why I blog!!

    • Thank you so much Michele! The colors certainly were bright and fun and I’m so glad I managed to squeeze in the time to get it done!

    • Oh My Goodness, Susan! What a fantastic site! I’m so honored to receive an invitation! I signed up for an account and submitted my project… I’m so looking forward to take a look at everyone’s projects!

    • Yay!! Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by and leaving some love! It does feel great to have something crossed off, although I have to admit that more things get added daily than ever get scratched off! I’m sorry it took so long to respond to your comment; WP had a few folk (you included) marked as “spam” and I only noticed just a few minutes ago!

  5. Absolutely awesome! Love the punches of color and how you were able to include LOTS of snapshots on the walls. Those are the ones that often get overlooked in favor of portraits (that can be kind of boring). Snapshots are so much more “real” and exciting to look at! Great execution of a fabulous idea!

    • Thank you so much, Andrea, for stoping by and leaving such a wonderful comment! And I have to agree with you, I’m always more drawn to the candid shots over the posed pictures as well… they certainly seem to mark more memorable milestones!

    • Oh my goodness Michelle! Thank you so much for the feature! I’ll hop over to your blog now and take a look around! Always so nice to meet new bloggers!

    • Thank you so much Brandi!! I’m so glad you were able to stop by and take a look around and then leave a little comment love for me! And I kinda like how they stand out against the blue wall as well!

  6. I love the frames you used where did you get them? I would love to paint the frames in 3 shades of blue one for each of my boys.

    • Heya Rebecca! Thank you so much for stopping by! I bought the metal frames at various wedding favor websites, I think possibly weddingfavors.com, but the ornate vertical mini frames I purchased at Michael’s in the dollar bins! I LOVE the idea of three separate blue for each one fo your boys… that sounds amazing!

      • Thank You and thank you for such a great idea. I have so many pictures to print but I hate photo albums this is so much better and easy to change the pictures when I want too.

      • Yeah, I’m also a bit anti-album; I buy them (or at least I did!) but the pics never magically organized themselves into the pockets. Huh?!?

  7. This is awesome! I love the bold color and the mixing of frames! Well done! When my hubs and I are hanging a gallery wall, I always use a chalk string line. It makes the project so simple! 🙂 Awesome work!

    • Heya Monica!! What a great idea, the chalk sting line! Can I ask, does that chalk wipe off the wall easily? If it does, I’m running out to Lowe’s tomorrow to pick one up!

    • Thank you so much!! It really was a fun project and I’m combing through a few wedding favor sites trying to decide what other frames I could add!

    • Danielle!! Thank you so much! I have you to thank for encouraging me to submit to the linky parties! I’ve gotten such a fantastic response to this project… makes me a teeny bit weepy!

  8. Pingback: 7 Things About Me Award « northofseven

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving some comment love! I’ve gotta tell you; it may be a bit time intensive, but the effort is well worth it in the end. My kids love it, I love it, even the hubby has enjoyed walking past it enough to say he likes it!! You should do it and then send me your link so I can see it too!!

    • Wow Marie! Thank you so much! The response to this project has been so lovely that I am incredibly excited to write back to everyone who had something nice to say! I hope you do follow! It would be great to see you ’round these parts and “get to know you!”

    • Thank you Andrea! I always loved color, and now I have it splashed all over the house. I’m starting to notice these five colors everywhere in all my rooms, even though they started out with separate color schemes. Yikes!!

    • Heya Angela!! Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving some comment love!!

      The name of the wall paint is Tranquil Blue (2051-50) by Benjamin Moore. If you don’t have a Benjamin Moore supplier close to your home, Home Depot or Lowe’s can duplicate the color if you give them the name and number!

    • Oh BOY! It does take a long time, doesn’t it? I had the frames for months before I finally got all my images together. The chalk grid worked beautifully and cleaned up perfectly. Thanks so much for stopping by Michelle!

    • Oh Yay!! Thanks for the follow! I don’t remember where I bought the online frames exactly, but it might have been weddingfavorwarehouse.com or possibly even ebay. Most of those sites have very similar inventory and pricing if you just google “place card holder frame.”

    • I bought a few frames at Michael’s and a few from one or two wedding favorite websites. Not sure which ones, but I’m pretty sure both are still available on almost any of them.

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love Heidi! It think these little frames would be _great_ for a family tree. Just a tip :: I’ve noticed Michael’s puts some fancy little wallet frames in their dollar bins sometime in the spring. I’d start keeping my eyes peeled for them now…

      •  no michaels here in Hawaii…I’ll have to wait till I make it back to the ranch ;o)

        Aloha, Me :o)

        When our goals and dreams start to frustrate us, when we lose our peace and we’re not enjoying life, that’s a sure sign that we’re holding on too tightly.

        ~Joel Osteen~

        >> .·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ .·´¯`·.¸ >.·´¯`·..·´¯`·.


      • There’s still the internet, HM, although I can’t imagine how much they’ll charge for shipping to HI (do you think it should be called the jealousy tax?) Cheers and thanks for stopping by!

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