And Just Like That

Two years of my life pass.

Within those two years, a new baby, two new homes, more yarn than I should have had the good sense to purchase, and a new skill learned with a single hook, two hands, and a road full of good intentions.

Creating this labor of love required patience, fortitude, flexibility, and a HUGE basket to carry around all that and all those hexagons—more than 200 hexagons, no two the same—and the fifteen skeins of yarn it needed.

It is done. I can not believe it, but it is done.

Soon the afghan will make it’s way back home, the home where my heart is, to its rightful owner, my mother, for whom all the stitches were cast and carried. It may have taken two years to complete…

…but it is nothing compared to the time, energy, and love she has given me. No handmade object in the world can convey the admiration I feel for her and all that she’s done and continues to do not only for me, but my entire family. Yet hopefully the softness and warmth that these knots of wool and alpaca provide can remind her that she is always in my heart.

I love you Mom. I hope you like it.

Details ::
Inspired by the Haverhill Afghan by Garnet Hill
crocheted in Alpaca with a Twist’s Highlander yarn
using a combination of single crochet, and double crochet
stitched together with a mattress stitch.

Approximate Pattern ::
chain six, link to form a circle;
*three double crochets through the loop made with the chain, single crochet*
repeat * * 5 more times to complete six group of three double crochets, link;
change color;
*three double crochet in the gap between two groups of three; single chain; three more double crochet in the same gap; single chain*
repeat * * 5 more times to complete six groups of three double crochets, link;
change color;
*three double crochet in the gap between two groups of three; single chain; three more double crochet in the same gap; single chain; three double crochet in the gap between the next group of three; single chain*
repeat * * 5 more times to complete six groupings total of three double crochets, single crochet, three double crochet groups within the same gap, chain, then one group of three double crochet, chain in the next gap; link.

Rinse lather repeat for as many times as you can before you run out of yarn. Stitch, or crochet the hexes together, weave in ends, grab a nice long drink.


11 thoughts on “And Just Like That

  1. I don’t know where your talent lies—-my afghan or your photography. As far as the afghan it is one of the most precious things I own and it is warm beyond belief. Thank you!!

  2. Pingback: Late Over Never, Right? « It’s Two AM

  3. Hi Cheryl!
    I came across this crochet afghan tutorial and I love it! I am the editor of and would love to feature your tutorial on my site with full credit to you. I know my readers would just love it and in return would generate some nice traffic to your site. If you agree and would like us to feature your project, our readers will simply click the link to your blog to get your full tutorial. It’s really that simple. Your project will look similar to this project already on my site:
    I look forward to hearing back from you, and please let me know if you have any questions.

    • Jenny, thanks so much for stopping by. Absolutely feel free to link to my page and use the image to get folks interested. Sounds like fun! I will warn you though, I have not had the pattern tested and I’m a novice crochet-er, so I’m not sure it’s exactly right! I’m open to suggestions though, if someone thinks it could be written in a better manner.

  4. Hi Cheryl,

    Omg you have created a beautiful knock off of the infamous ‘haverhill afghan.’ What a wonderful gift for your mom. I saved the Garnet Hill photo for a few years now, hoping to one day make it myself. Oddly enough my daughter lives with her family in Haverhill MA, and I wanted to make it for them.
    Would you mind sharing it with me?

  5. Thanks for the pattern and inspiration! My mom has been hounding me for a granny square afghan and I’ve been against it for aesthetics reasons but this is beautiful! Thanks for working out the pattern! Approximately how much yarn did you go through- or at least how many different colors did you use? Thanks!

    • Heya Melissa! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a beautiful comment! I just checked my ravelry page and it looks like I used 18 skeins of Alpaca with a Twist’s Highlander, although I feel like it ended up being more than that. Here’s a link to the ravelry page ::

      I thought I had a post that talked up a few more of the details, but I can’t find it. I will tell you it ended up being more expensive to buy all the materials (not even calculating the time it took) than it would’ve been to buy it, but I guess Garnet Hill doesn’t sell the blanket anymore, so that’s kind of moot! 😉

      • I’m getting ready to start this now but just one more question (didn’t see it on your ravelry post). What size needle did you use?

      • You know, I have absolutely no idea. I think I just tried a few hooks until I liked the way it felt. 😦 I’m sorry I can’t be more specific!

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