The Foyer :: A Desk

I guess I don’t know if I should call it a desk, as it’s not really a great place to sit down and write anything, but “The Place Where We Throw Things That We Need to Deal With Later” is just a touch too long.

The Desk

I guess we’d really like it to be the “Mail Sorting Station,” but in order for it to get that catchy title, it needed to be cleaned and organized.

I had a wall file that I needed to install,

Wall File

and a few little decorative vases that wanted to get out of the cubbies. They won’t remain empty for long…

Wall Vases

I also found this lovely little painting at our local junk, erm, resale shop that I’ve been dying to put up.


And I’ve been on the look out for some appropriate frame, but nothing has popped up yet, so I decided that one drawn out of chalk was an appropriate and fun little place holder.

Here’s the thing… I didn’t buy the painting because of this little seascape, as pretty as it is… check this out.

Reversible Painting

It’s reversible!

I took a quick vote, and the kids and I decided this was the side we were going to display for the next little while. I think it was four dollars well spent; it’s not every home that has a reversible painting!

Of course, the green chalk didn’t have enough contrast on that blue wall, so I decided to switch the color. Being a chalk frame, it was pretty easy to switch up!

Orange Frame

And here is our little mail sorting station, all cute and clean and hopeful and ready to organize our paper lives. That box on the floor is a better receptacle for paper recycling than the two bins we had before; it’s meant to be mounted to the wall, but I want to prime and paint it blue it before I do that.

All Together Now

It’s very matchy matchy right now, but I’ll be able to tone that down once the rest of the room is ready and I can move things around a bit. The orange chair isn’t staying… a shiny black one will replace it as soon as I have a reasonable day with no wind where I can finally get to all my painting.

There is something about this color combination that makes me so happy… kind of like that first beautiful Spring day after a cold Winter!